The Angelic Messages book already available on Amazon

Our first channelled book is here! (link below)
Have you ever wondered how psychics and mediums get their information?
Spirit channelling is a form of receiving messages from the spirit world via a person, who is a medium. During the process of spirit channelling, mediums tune into the frequencies of spirits to receive information - they act like radio transmitters receiving radio signals.
Today, I am presenting to you a book written by two mediums Julianna and myself - Nicole. It contains important channelled messages from the spirit realm and was put together to bring knowledge and comfort to its readers.
Here is a short description of what you can expect to learn from our book.
Whether you already know it or not - you are a spiritual being with a support system in Heaven known as your Angels.
The book you are holding in your hands is entirely dictated by the Angelic Beings and received by a medium, Julianna Brugos. The primary purpose of this text is for you, dear reader, to understand why you are here on Earth and how you can make your life's journey smoother and more fulfilling, for there are spiritual beings at the reach of your hand, who are ready to assist you. In the pages of this book, you will also explore the concept of the beginning of humankind, the evolution of the planet Earth, the inception of souls, the origin of the Bible, the real meaning behind pain, reincarnation, karma and much more. We hope that when you understand the concepts contained in this book, you will be able to follow your life plan with joy.
Enjoy our messages, and if you decide to order please give us 5 stars😄
The Polish version of the book will be available in March 2024 on